1LDK ID Vol.3
SHOP STAFFにフォーカスしたこの企画で、販売員である前にひとりの人間としてより身近に我々を感じていただけたらと思います。また、これからの「1LDK」を作り上げて行く仲間が増えれば幸いです。
In this project focused on our shop staff, we are delighted if you would know our personality and feel us more closer. Also, we hope that more people will build the future “1LDK” and will go there.
May 22, 2018

パリ出身。2017年10月、インターンとして研修したのち1LDK PARISにて勤務。2018年3月よりLDK SHOWROOM PARISと1LDKのビジュアルコンテンツを担当している。
Born in Paris. After training as internship, he worked at 1LDK PARIS. Currently, he has worked as a member of LDK SHOWROOM PARIS and been in charge of 1LDK visual contents.

Please tell us your background.
Ok, 僕は生まれも育ちもパリ。パリのなかでも夜遊び場で有名な11区のオベルカンフってところだよ。母がタイ人で父がフランス人のハーフとして生まれたから、フランス語、タイ語、英語の3ヶ国語の会話が飛び交う家庭で育ったんだ。その経験は、早くからインターナショナルな仕事をする助けになったね。
Ok, i’m born and raised in Paris, 11th district, Rue Oberkampf, my favorite district by far. My mom is Thai and my dad is French, I have been raised home with 3 languages, French, Thai and English. Diversity in my environment helps me a lot to open my eyes to the rest of the world, and probably become much mature earlier. I started to have an interest for Japan around my 14 years old, spending most of my free time visiting japanese forum and online store, window shopping at the time because no shops was shipping products to Europe. I had my Yahoo Auction and Ebay period too later, it was the only way I knew to buy items from Japan from Europe. When I started to collect enough pieces I started my own website, where I was posting my weekly outfits, just to share brands I like. About the same time around 16 years old I also started to work for showrooms and agencies as junior sale. My best experience has been working with Hoghan, the company who’s distributing Yoshida Kaban in Europe.
Another very good experience was also to work as a part time in a Sneaker Shop in Paris. My ex-boss was one of the Nike’s pioneer employees in France back in 80’s. During my few years working with him I started to have a real deep interest into shoes, so I started to collect.
Now at 22 almost 23 years old, I’m in japan, to live unique experiences and discover new things. This is my story.

Your dream was to move into Japan, you finally moved. Why have you decided to work in Japan, far from your native country?
I decided to live and work in Japan, because it’s a place where I feel really good. Many reasons brought me here, fashion indeed, food too, but also their very unique way of living, where respect and order cohabits.
I wanted to live atypical experiences, for my own benefit, connexions with people brought me here, build your own network is the key to live new experiences.

Fashion takes a big space in your life, right?! How did you start to like fashion?
I think that the image you reflect to people is important, it’s a way to show who you are by using your creativity. My today’s style is related to all periods I had in the past, related to music I was listening. But I think my biggest influence these days is Hip Hop, i’m back to baggy fits, wide cuts and Air Force 1, that’s just what I want to wear right now. To conclude, YES ! Fashion takes a big space in my life, daily life, and I like it.

What do you think about fashion between Japan and France?
もっといいお店がパリにも増えたらいいなと思っているけど、新しいブランドを仕入れることに対してのリスクに消極的なお店が多いからなかなか難しそうだね。僕が知っているパリのいいお店といえば、Bows&ArrowsとElevation storeくらいかな。
There is a big hole between France and Japan, markets and consumers are totally different. In Japan, the paper press is a real way to spread trends, brands informations, and people are very reactive. But in France, I feel that fashion press isn’t read by the real customers, that’s why nothing is really moving, also fashion press in France, and more globally Europe is promoting most of the time big names, which is boring, no real changes, very repetitive. I respect small and independent designers in France , because the space they have to grow is very small, few are the one who succeed. I hope that in the incomings months, years, some more shops will open in Paris, but for now the city is poor of good shops, some few are trying to sensitize the population about new brands. I can mention some places I like and support in Paris, there isBows & Arrows and Elevation store.

What is 1LDK like form the view of people in other countries like you?
海外から見た1LDKは東京にあるキーショップだと思うよ。プレスやガイドが、1LDKは消費者とネットワークを持ちながら広がってきたと思うんだ。商品の陳列方法が特におもしろいね。まだ誰も知らないような小さなレーベルのことまでプロモーションしていて、例えば素晴らしいレザーブランドの TOMO NARIAIみたいな小さなレーベルから、名前が通っているようなブランドまで一緒に並べられているんだ。西洋から来た人にとって、1LDKはヨーロッパの市場では見つけらないような商品を買うことができる一つのツールだと思っているよ。
For overseas people, tourists, 1LDK is a key shop, a place where you must stop because it’s written in guide books. The palette of Items you can find in our shops is very interesting, promoting small labels you could not know about, like TOMO NARIAI fabulous leather artist from Shonan. And at the same time some more popular brands mixed, the selection is just.

Please tell us the details of your work in 1LDK.
1LDKではいくつかの仕事を兼任してるよ。最初の仕事は、LDK SHOWROOM PARISの一員になることで、僕の役割は海外とのコミュニケーションやマネージング業務。卸での経験も生かして営業もしている。 二つ目の大きな役割は、1LDKの全てのビジュアルコンテンツを作る業務。インスタグラムやブログ、リリース用のビジュアルは全て僕が作っているよ。写真を通して自分自身を表現することが好きだから、僕が撮影しているものはスタイリングも自分でやっているんだ(スタイリングは僕にとってもう一つの好きなことだね)。
For 1LDK I’m doing several things, my first task is to be part of the LDK SHOWROOM PARIS team, my role is to manage and communicate with overseas. I’m also doing the sales part, due to my past experiences in wholesale. I’m also in charge of creative contents for our social medias. And my favorite, the last part, is to express myself through photography, occasionally styling too.

You make visuals for 1LDK Instagram, what made you interested in photography?
カメラに興味を持った二つ目の理由は、自分のインスタグラムをもっと質の良いコンテンツにしたかったから。インスタグラムのアカウントは、@yuthanan__ だから覗いてみてね。
I’ve been a long time in front of the camera, posing for my own website. But photographer I was hiring was probably too professional and pictures was very nice, organize and clear but the feeling I wanted to share to my viewers through my pictures was not there. So i decided then to become to one who takes pictures.
Recently I decided to be the one who takes pictures, I didn’t have any lessons, I just learned by myself. My second reasons about why I started to have a real interest into photography is also because I wanted to feed my Instagram with more qualitative contents. By the way my account is @yuthanan__ .

LDK SHOWROOM PARISをどのようにしていきたいですか?
How would you like to deal with LDK SHOWROOM PARIS?
With 1LDK SHOWROOM PARIS my goal is to globalize the company, expand the link we have with Europe through. It’s time for the Japanese Market to take into account oversea and be aware about what’s happening outside.

How do you see yourself in 1LDK in a long term?
あとは新しいプロジェクトの一員になったり、自分が担当したプロジェクトが1LDK とリンクするようなことに挑戦していきたいね。
Almost the same as now, keep what I’m actually doing because I have the chance to do different things, accumulate creative task and business is very rare I think. I just want to learn Japanese because I can’t speak for now, but I’m very optimistic. Probably also be a part of new projects, and maybe have my own projects one day link to 1LDK.
Photography : Yuji Arakawa(I.D.Land)

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