1LDK ID Vol.2
SHOP STAFFにフォーカスしたこの企画で、販売員である前にひとりの人間としてより身近に我々を感じていただけたらと思います。また、これからの「1LDK」を作り上げて行く仲間が増えれば幸いです。
In this project focused on our shop staff, we are delighted if you would know our personality and feel us more closer. Also, we hope that more people will build the future “1LDK” and will go there.
March 9, 2018

鈴木 雅大(すずき まさひろ)愛知県生まれ。愛知教育大学を卒業後、1LDK annexに勤務。現在は、ショップマネージャー兼ショップバイヤーとして活躍しながら、一児の父として多忙な日々を送る。
Masahiro Suzuki Born in Aichi. After graduating from Aichi University of Education, he works at 1LDK annex. Currently, he has worked hard as shop manager, buyer and a father.

You graduated from university of education, but you didn’t choose that industry.
Why did you choose that way?
I undertook a practicum at school and got a teaching license also. I’ve been interested in fashion since university students actually then I think that was my turning point in my life. I was influenced by my university friend who is very fashionable. Sometimes they said “Why didn’t you choose job of it?” to me, but I’m sure my choice was absolutely right.

今年で7周年を迎えた1LDK annex。オープン当初から在籍している鈴木さんにとって最も印象深い
1LDK annex is 7th anniversary this year. What is your the most impressed episode since this shop started?
やはり1LDK annexがオープンした日ですね。その日はなんと名古屋に大雪が降って、ここ数年で一番じゃないかっていうくらい雪が積もっていましたから(笑)。それでもありがたいことに沢山のお客様にご来店いただいたことを覚えています。もう一つは、1LDK annexオープンの前に
One of my unforgettable memory is the opening day for 1LDK annex. It snowed really hard in Nagoya, we had the heaviest snow in recent years. However, I remember many customers were coming our shop thankfully. The other memory is with Mr.Miyoshi who currently general manager and Mr. Miyazaki(Now he works atHana farm kitchen). I have worked at 1LDK shop in Nakameguro just for a week before 1LDK annex is opened, they brought me to dumping restaurant after work.

OPEN当初の1LDK annex
Women’s handling began when renewal opening last year, what kind of changes has happened before it started? Please tell us more about the reasons you started.
1LDK apartments.がオープンし1LDKとしてレディースの展開が始まった頃から、1LDK annexでもいずれは取り組んでみたいと思っていました。しかし、キャパシティや立地、人員的な問題もあり、なかなか踏み出せずにいました。色々なタイミングと条件が重なって今の場所に移転することが決まり、レディースの取組みを始めるには良いタイミングだと感じました。今の場所には周辺にレディースのお店が多いので、女性の方が
Since 1LDK apartments. opened and women’s got launched as 1LDK, 1LDK annex thought that we wanted to work on it. However, due to capacity, location and personnel problems, we were not able to take the step unfortunately. That’s why It was decided to relocate to the present place with various timings and conditions overlapped and we felt it was a good timing to start women’s clothing. As there are lots of women’s shops in the surrounding area in this place, women are easier to stop by. It is now thanks to us that half of our customers on weekdays are female.

現在、1LDK annexのショップマネージャーとして名古屋の1LDKを牽引している立場にありますが、この役職のやりがいはどのようなところでしょうか?
Currently, you are in a position to lead Nagoya 1LDK as a 1LDK annex shop manager, what is the challenge of this position?
The interesting part of 1LDK is the concept which totally different from each stores. And we are doing stock purchasing based on it. The store managers are working as a shop buyer, and we can express our own colors not to be found in others. I think there are not so many select shops like our style where it’s permitted in local cities. Everything is challenging for me. It allows us to express our thoughts straight from the selection of products to event planning, as well as customer service.

Please tell us the episode you felt rewarding.
As one of promoting for relocating the store, we distributed tissue to passenger on the street as a publicity. In the days when blogs and SNS are commonplace, I was thinking that it would be fun if I tried doing things that clothes shops would not do in analog way. I distributed it with staff Nishiwaki, but it was hard to hand it to passenger. Although it was fun to recall, I felt it was also a rewarding thing to be able to do things like such thoughts.
Please tell us what you would like to challenge in the future and future prospects.
Currently 1 LDK’s domestic regional stores are Nagoya and Sapporo. Although I can connect with the story of the previous story, I think Nagoya should be more unique to Nagoya, Sapporo should do more Sapporo unique initiatives. It is time that we want to make shops of unique origin that customers in Tokyo want to go to Nagoya store. I would like to continue to disseminate things that can only be done at Nagoya stores and things that can only be done by myself, the staff Nishiwaki and Miura.
What exactly is that Nagoya is unique to Nagoya ?
In the past, I held an event that invited a shoeshiner who used to work at Nagoya station. At the anniversary of February this year, I had an event with a specialized dry flower shop in Nagoya city, “Aruhi -means One Day-”. Moreover, I would like to boost Nagoya by dispatching the information on not only such shops that only exist in Nagoya, but also local creators and artists, or anything born in Nagoya to all over Japan.
What do you find difficult to balance your work and family? We would like to know your tips to balance both of them and things you believe important.
Every morning, my first job is to send off my 2-year-old son to a kindergarten. I wake up quite early in a morning. Starting to work at 11am, I still wake up at 6:30am. While living together under one roof, I consider there is always a difference in life cycle with my wife and child. My wife and child are off on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays. On the other hand, I occasionally work on those days. Therefore, I treasure the time with my family in a short time before going to work. Having said that, we don’t do something special, but have a breakfast together or go to a park with my child. I don’t have consciousness doing special things because of my work compared with others in different industries, and I believe that what if we use our time well, we can still have some time for our hobbies while having a family. In my case, because I have some spare time between sending my child off and going to work, I use that time for my hobbies. I actually do drawing activities on instagram, ”@nigaoetarou”.

What made you start drawing?
あったのに、いつの間にか本体よりもこちらの方が知名度が高くなっていて、少し複雑な気持ちです(笑)。”@nigaoetarou”を通じて色んな業種の方との繋がりも生まれて、そっち方面の良き出逢いが今後1LDK annexでのイベントに発展していったら面白いな、なんて思ったりしています。結婚して子どもができ、プライベートな出逢いが少なくなっている分、この活動は自分の中で貴重なコンテンツになりつつあります。4月にはこの
I’ve always liked drawing. At first I tagged on my acquaintance portraits for fun, but as I have continued, a lot of people have started following me on Instagram. As a result, I feel a wide range of possibilities for this activity. In the beginning, it was an anonymous secondary account of “annex Suzuki”. Nevertheless, it has been more famous than my main account so I have mixed feelings. Through my account,”@nigaoetarou” a connection with people of various industries has been created. Furthermore, I believe that it will be fun if those encounters develop into an event of 1LDK annex in the future. This activity is becoming invaluable to me because I haven’t had many encounters outside my work since I got married and a child.
In April, I am making a guest appearance on a club event in Tokyo under this name”@nigaoetarou”, so those who are interested in this event, please follow me on Instagram.

1LDK annex
〒460-0008 愛知県名古屋市中区栄3-25-39 sakae south square 1F
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