December 1, 2017

– Can you give us a brief introduction to your brand?
Well, it’s been 2 years since I have started TOMO NARIAI back in November 2015. I was always into making very specific products for myself, by myself. I am also very fussy with the things I wear/own. One day I was going to order a custom-made bag, and had a sample made first; that’s how the brand ended up starting. Being a pre-production sample, it wasn’t even particularly refined at this stage.
Soon after, I started selling bags that I made to my friends, covering only the cost of production. They often asked me to make a wallet but I rejected as it’s not easy persuading craftsmen to make one. Due to their size, their skills can be revealed quite easily. This became my frustration so I decided to master the skills myself.
I did everything to find an opportunity to learn through work experience, as I wanted to learn through working as opposed to taking lessons or attending a course. So, I looked through the telephone book and visited many studios, but wasn’t having much luck. Two months later, one company contacted me telling me about a vacancy, so I decided to go and visit. When I met them for the first time, I was told “you will be quitting soon because of the distance”… “you won’t be able to have a break as you must create over 100 bags a day”… “you must learn by watching”…they were real artisans! Actually apart from the lunch break, there was even no time to drink water etc. I should point out that they didn’t let me drink it anyway! Although it was a tough environment, hard work paid off, and I ended up becoming a manager, directing all departments. After this experience, I relocated to Shonan to start my own brand.

-ブランドコンセプトである”MADE IN ORIENTAL MIAMI”の由来を教えてください。。
-How did you come up with the brand concept “MADE IN ORIENTAL MIAMI”?
神奈川県・藤沢という土地は、海や山に近く、また都心にも通いやすい場所です。そんな 藤沢のように“自然”と“都市”をつなげる製品を作りたいと思い、「東洋のマイアミ」と藤沢が呼ばれていたことにちなんで「MADE IN ORIENTAL MIAMI」とつけました。藤沢は、自分の住んでいる場所でもあり、ブランドとしても軸となっています。
Fujisawa city in the Kanagawa Prefecture is close to the sea and mountains which are easy to access from the city. It was my idea that I wanted to create products that connected the city to nature. Fujisawa city used to be called “Oriental Miami”. Fujisawa is my hometown and it is where the brand’s identity comes from.

– Will you continue to be based in Shonan?
続けていきます。”MADE IN ORIENTAL MIAMI”というコンセプトにもある通り、自分にしかできない表現がこの地域にあるので。のちのちは、住まいは湘南、工房は東京もありえるかもです。
Definitely, yes. Like the brand concept, the area gives me so much inspiration. Ideally I want to live in Shonan and have a studio in Tokyo in the future.

― How did you meet 1LDK?
製品の写ったポストカードを送ったのがきっかけで三好さん(1LDKディレクター)から「一度商品を見たい」とご連絡をいただいたのがはじまりですね。その後1LDK AOYAMA HOTELでPOPUPをさせていただきました。緊張もあったのですが、嬉しさの方が勝っていたのであっという間に終わってしまったのを覚えています。
I sent a postcard of one of my creations to 1LDK Director Ryo Miyoshi and he contacted me. Since then, we did a pop-up event at 1LDK AOYAMA HOTEL. I was very nervous to be honest but my excitement suppressed any nerves that I had. The time went by so fast!

– What’s your design philosophy?
It always excites me when creating new designs and prototypes. I always listen to my intuition when designing and make things I truly want to produce. I would describe my work as being functional, simple design with a twist or difference. Sometimes I might add too many details for instance, but I try to keep it simple; that’s how the shoulder bag was created.
– Can you share us your future vision?
自分が製品を作っていくうえで、携わってくれている日本の職人の技術を少しでも残していけるようなもの作りをしたいと思っています。少しずつではありますが、展示会などを通して、日本をはじめ海外の方々にも「TOMO NARIAI」のプロダクトを持っていただけるようにしていきたいですね。
By creating products, I would like to contribute and pass on the skills and techniques of Japanese craftsmanship. Through exhibitions, I want to showcase my designs and Japanese expertise not just nationally, but to the rest of the world, and hopefully increase the reputation of TOMO NARIAI’s products.
1LDK AOYAMA HOTELにて、TOMO NARIAIのワークショップを開催致します。ブランド定番のレザーバッグから、財布、カードケースといった日常的に使える革小物に至るまでTOMO NARIAIのコレクションがご覧いただけます。また、12/2〜12/3の2日間はデザイナー:成相氏の手によりご購入されたアイテムに一点一点お客様にご指定いただいた刻印を施します。12月中旬ごろに発売予定のUNIVERSAL PRODUCTS×TOMO NARIAI
1LDK AOYAMA HOTEL 2017.12.01(FRI)〜12.08(FRI)
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