WACCOWACCO The creations made from the creations by creators.

We are happy to announce that we are now stocking BUM BACK by WACCOWACCO.

wacco2 bumbagWACCOWACCO, The brand that produces the products that they always use the fabrics that they discover from nowhere that people or other brand don’t touch recently or other never thought about using these fabrics to produce in a same concept as they are doing.

First they’ve used the vintage Shelter half tent that had been used in the U.S.Army over a period of half a century since WW Ⅱ. these are the thing will be thrown away or maybe in a laying in a vintage military shop that never spread to the fashion industry.

As they composing a bags by using the shapes from the masterpieces from the luxuary brands such as CHANEL’s hand pouch, Helmes’s birkin. that they gave a another lives to these fabrics to the new industries.


Or in second season they’ve produces the bags made from the SUPPLEX® that has been developed by DuPont in the 1990s. the contrast between sport to luxury. Since the fabrics such as  SUPPLEX® is decreases recently because of the trends today. they have succeeded to find out the idea to produces the bags.


And now in 3rd seasons, They used the fabrics of Trenches from England 1990s. which have the quality but sleep in storage and again found by them.

It’s the task today for us to find out the way to do with these clothing or items which relates to fashion industries but been out of the trends and out from the market. The recycle or ecologic in fashion industry sounds kitsch normally but if we see how much work they have done and the ideas are different from others.

This might be the movement that should be spread sometimes..

Here is a quote from WACCOWACCO:

We do not design.

The style is created already based upon a history.

Our craving for details will never be satisfied with what is provided.

We interpret the heritage by mashing it up and present something new for time being.

Come and try them on in our store.


Thank you for your visit, until the next time.


1LDK PARIS Instagram

October 24, 2017, 12:45 AM

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